ele013 Sayonara Nuclear PowerVarious Artists

"Sayonara Nuclear Power" is a memorial masterpiece created in opposition to nuclear power. It features the music of 14 musicians from both Japan and overseas. These abstract sounds are a reflection of each musician's personal thoughts and emotions towards nuclear power. We hope that listeners will be inspired by the music. The compilation was released on March 12, one year after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.Petition for the Realization of Denuclearization and a Society focused on Natural Energy
music:gnyonpix(coundcloud) - JP
guillotine hairshaver(twitter) - JP
noine(web) - JP
sanmi(web) - JP
Yuki Matatsumura(web) - JP
Nagumo(web) - JP
ememe(web) - JP
whizz kid(soundcloud) - UK,BE
paskal.(web) - GR
thaneco(soundcloud) - GR
steradd(web) - DE
Le Passage du Nord-Ouest(web) - FR
In Vitro(web) - MX
twomilliondays(soundcloud) - IE
artwork:Goto Kyosuke(web)
track 7,12,14Tracks
- noinenuke reset set
- Yuki Matsumura__i_
- In VitroFree Energy Safe Energy
- guillotine hairshaverLittle Boy
- thanecoOceanic birds above nuclear factories
- Paskal.Rubber theme
- ememeInvasion Of Justice
- whizz kidsummer bubbles
- twomilliondaysFukushima
- sanmiあの日、それから、そして
- steraddRadioactive Dancers
- Le Passage du Nord-OuestFukushima
- gnyonpixreikyakusui
- Nagumo手引き月