ele009 covered in santa wheelswhizz kid

Whizz Kid is a music duo consisting of J-kane from Belgium and Yo-yo Nielsen from the UK. Their tracks have an aesthetically melodic sensibility, created through a combination of live recorded acoustic and electronic instruments, as well as sampled everyday sounds. Their work could be described as having a naive and playful, childlike quality to it.whizz kidはベルギーのj-kaneとイギリスのyo-yo nielsenの二人組。アコースティック楽器と電子楽器で優麗で繊細な旋律を構築し、そこに日常音のサンプリングを綯い交ぜにして楽曲を製作する。子供の純粋と無邪気を兼ね備えた質感の楽曲集。
music and artwork: whizz kid (web)DOWNLOAD
charly storiesTracks
- falling out of trees,falling down hills
- charly stories
- trapeze
- i fall in the grandad bus
covered in santa wheels by whizz kid is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 2.1 Japan License.